I must live in the open
I can’t find a job right now 😑
It’s because I don’t have enough stuff in the open. I have worked on closed source software, and my freelance work consists of a highly specific app, my website, my wife’s, and uncompleted projects. It’s almost like I have been living in the dark for the past 5 years of my life.
I don’t blame people for not hiring me. I only have one year out of college so I am in this weird not a new grad and not a senior engineer spot.
What really sucks is I live in the dark. No one follows me on Twitter, no one sees what I am creating, and my tribe is extremely small. So even though my friends have been super helpful I am still in this rut.
I am going to change that. To have an internet tribe I will be
- Posting thoughts and how-tos here on Medium and over on Dev.to
- Showcasing my work on Codepen.io for simple things and CodeSandbox.io for complex things
- Sharing my work on Twitter
If you made it this far. I am impressed. I bet this article sucks but my verbal communication is something else I am going to be working on. So hang tight brother.
This week I will be making working on
- Creating an article about Vercel serverless functions
- Creating 3 Codepens (1 redesign, 1 Lottie animation, and 1 random)
Mark my words. I will be editing this article with what I create below.
For a better future,
Update 1:
Here are the resulting codepens, planning to continue learning more about animation on codepen.
Update 2: I got a job. Get ready for some follow up on what I learned and the details